Successful Parenting Strategies

Successful Parenting Strategies (SPS) is the result of collaboration between Benton Harbor Area School (BHAS) Administration and Andrews University.  SPS is a seven-week course delivered by Social Work students and graduates of Andrews University.  The program was designed to build a sense of community among parents in the BHAS and help participants develop skills proven to improve the likelihood of rearing children who are self-regulated, self-aware, and effective communicators.  The program provides a safe environment for parents to connect with other parents who share the desire to see their children succeed.

The program aims and objectives are:

  • Create small groups designed to build trust and support among parents of the BHAS community.
  • Provide parents with an opportunity to engage in group discussions.
  • Help parents develop skills to improve communication with young children/teens.
  • Teach parents to engage in self-assessment and personal reflection as a tool to improve parental control and role modeling.
  • Assist parents in gaining knowledge to support teaching self-regulation to children

This SPS course provides parenting skills and communication tools that support positive parent role modeling.  The course builds competencies that are needed by parents to help reduce aggression, develop self-regulation and enhance social skills in their children.

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